115 years ago today - Oct 19, 1899; Thursday

[First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes] Referring to the inexperience of many, President Smith suggested that some kind of missionary course be provided for the young men, so that they could devote from three to sis months to religious study previous to going, such time to be regarded as part of their missions. He thought that young men prepared in this way would do more good than twice as many without such preparation.

Brother John Henry Smith endorsed President Smith's suggestion, which he considered one of great moment. He added, however, that he thought the young men should receive a year's notice with a view to preparing themselves.

...This matter was dropped without any action being taken.

...President Snow added that the Bishops should not be hard upon the members of their Wards if they did not have faith enough to pay tithing; also that they should use wisdom in refusing recommends to the Temple in case of those who were not tithepayers. ...

Brother Grant also brought up the subject of missionary blessings, stating that our missionaries, as a rule, when being set apart, had their blessings reported, and that it cost them fifty cents each for this service. He proposed that Brother Martin Lindsay, the stenographer, be paid a regular salary by the Church, and that a part of his labor consist of reporting these blessings free. This also was approved by the Council. ...

[Source: First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes]

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