120 years ago today - Aug 31, 1894

As a result of the conference of the brethren engaged as ordinance workers in the several Temples, held at Salt Lake Temple, some time ago, the following slight corrections have been adopted by us, which you will please note: In the creation on the fifth day a grammatical error occurs. The word "their" is used instead of "its"; the word "their," therefore, is change[d] to its. In the lecture the words "next room" are used in the Terrestrial room when that same room is referred to; the words "the next" therefore have been changed to "this," as the appropriate form. In the placing of the girdle [sash], it should be placed on the outside of the apron strings. In the ceremonies at the veil, the practice has been to use the words, "this man Adam," while in the Logan Temple the words, "this man, representing Adam," are used. It was decided to drop the words, "this man representing," and say "Adam, &c." The word "christian," referred to in the lecture, in connection with [a person's given] name, is dropped and the word "given" is substituted. The words "and some have to go away on business," which occur at the end of the lecture, were expunged. The words, "new name," were substituted for the pronoun "it," to avoid ambiguity, where it reads in the lecture, "You must remember it," that is, your new name. The people, when being put under covenant, should signify their assent by bowing and saying, "yes." It was left optional with the Temple President to use persons as witnesses who were receiving endowments or to use workers as such. * It has been the practice to mark the shirt, but we think this unnecessary as it is not strictly a part of the Temple clothing. The marking of the garment should be done in the washing room and not at the veil; and the greatest care should be taken to see that no person is permitted to leave that room wearing an unmarked garment. In the Salt Lake Temple the practice in the Garden is for the couple at the altar to remain kneeling while the covenant relating to the * Aaronic Priesthood is being administered, while the practice in the other Temples is for the couple to arise. The reason given by the Salt Lake Temple for not arising is that the couple would have to descend three steps, and as a matter of convenience they were permitted to remain on their knees. It was decided that the couples should rise.

[Source: Wilford Woodruff, George Q. Cannon, and Joseph F. Smith to Lorenzo Snow, Aug. 31, 1894 as quoted in Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]

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